The outcome of this session are the button designs created by participants and distributed here under the Creative Commons License. The working session walked participants through the button design process and gave all onsite participants an opportunity to make physical badges from their designs.
Synopsis and Takeaways
Motivations for Security Buttons:
- A team effort in security is visible and therefore measureable
- Teams are able to compare each others achievements, especially with different skill levels (e.g. XSS Basics and XSS Advanced events)
- Security Champions are able to get some kind of certification
- The session helped to engage others on the topics of security
Legal and Technical Considerations:
- Potential legal issues were discussed. In particular the issue of re-using other logos in your design, (e,g. the nginx logo)
- When exporting SVG files, try to export the text as objects to preserve the format and style of the text even when the computer hasn’t installed the font you used.
Working Materials
Buttons created:
Below is a list of buttons created in the working session: All designs are released under the Creative Commons Share-Alike License)
Button Sheet 1:
- Session page : https://open-security-summit.org/tracks/owasp-projects/working-sessions/security-buttons/