Jim Newman

Internal InfoSec Consultant, dunnhumby

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Participant's team(s):

Jim Newman Daily Schedule

9:40 - 9:55
Gamifying Security Dashboards
Crossing the river by feeling the stones
Adding Privacy by Design in Secure Application Development
10:30 - 12:30
Security Ethics Checklist
Montague room
Owasp Top 5 Machine Learning risks
Portland room
12:30 - 13:30
Creating a standard for GDPR patterns
Table 2
13:30 - 15:00
Time slot over-subscribed
Integrating Security Tools in the SDL using OWASP DevSecOps Studio
Maulden room
Time slot over-subscribed
Creating Appsec metrics and visualisation
Maulden room
Time slot over-subscribed
Hands-on GDPR Patterns
Portland room
Running CTF Games with OWASP Juice Shop
314 - Owasp Projects villa
15:30 - 16:30
Owasp Cloud Security Workshop (BETA)
Maulden room
Creating an open 3rd Party Supplier Questionnaire and maturity model
311 - OWASP SAMM villa
16:30 - 17:30
GDPR Appropriate Security Controls
Portland room
Time slot over-subscribed
Using graphs for GDPR mappings and visualisations
19:30 - 21:00
Zap - How to use it
314 - Owasp Projects villa
21:00 - 23:00
Using Threat Models for GDPR
317 - Photobox villa

Participating sessions details

TitleDescriptiontypeWhenTimeActing as
Want to become a CISO?Working Session for CISOsworking-sessionparticipant
Owasp Cloud Security Workshop (BETA)A beta session of the OWASP Cloud Security Workshop (not to be scheduled on the Tuesday)working-sessionMonPM-2,PM-3participant
Integrating Security Tools in the SDL using OWASP DevSecOps StudioUsing DevSecOps studio to learn and teach Integrating security tools in the SDLuser-sessionMonPM-1participant
Creating Appsec metrics and visualisationAppSec Metrics and Visualisationuser-sessionWedPM-1participant
Using graphs for GDPR mappings and visualisationsHands on sessions of mapping GDPR data to graphsuser-sessionThuPM-3participant
Creating a standard for GDPR patternsWorking Session on reviewing and agreeing on a set of GDPR patternsworking-sessionTueDS-2participant
Using Threat Models for GDPRHands on user session on how to use Threat Models in GDPR mappingsuser-sessionTueEve-2participant
GDPR Appropriate Security ControlsMap out what these are and what is the best way to measure themworking-sessionWedPM-3participant
Hands-on GDPR PatternsUsing GDPR Patternsuser-sessionThuPM-1participant
Gamifying Security DashboardsKeynote by Ante Gulamuser-sessionTueKN-2participant
Crossing the river by feeling the stonesKeynote by Simon Wardleyuser-sessionThuKN-2participant
Adding Privacy by Design in Secure Application DevelopmentKeynote by Sebastien Deleersnyderuser-sessionFriKN-2participant
Security Ethics Checklistworking-sessionTueAM-1participant
Creating an open 3rd Party Supplier Questionnaire and maturity modelCreate a common 3rd Party Supplier Maturity Modelworking-sessionThuPM-2participant
Running CTF Games with OWASP Juice ShopRunning / hosting CTF games with OWASP JuiceShopuser-sessionThuPM-1participant
Zap - How to use itUser session to help ZAP usersuser-sessionTueEve-1participant
Owasp Top 5 Machine Learning risksworking-sessionFriAM-1participant

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  • add your name to the organizers metadata field (in this case Jim Newman)

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