IT Project Management and SW Development Consultant

Consultant for IT project management and software development with a background in bespoke software development and 17+ years of professional experience in designing software systems and managing IT projects mainly for public sector.
Vasil Buraliev Daily Schedule
| Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday |
| | | Thinking in Graphs main-stage |
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| | Agile Practices for Security Teams Larch room |
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| | | | Time slot over-subscribed | JIRA Risk Workflow Portland room | Squad Modelling and Cross Functional Teams Pedley room |
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| | Time slot over-subscribed | Cyber Risk Modeling Portland room | Adding security to VSTS pipeline 313 - DevSecCon villa |
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| | European GDPR variations Table 2 |
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Participating sessions details
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- add your name to the
metadata field (in this case Vasil Buraliev