| Time slot over-subscribed | Summit Onboarding Maulden room | Track Introductions Larch room |
| Time slot over-subscribed | OWASP Defect Dojo Maulden room | Using maps to define how to capture, detect and prevent 6 real-world security incidents Larch room | Creation of Security Buttons Pedley room |
| OWASP DevSecOps Studio Maulden room |
| Integrating Security Tools in the SDL Maulden room |
| Using Jira to handle Incident Response - simulations |
| A seat at the table main-stage |
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| Integrating Security Tools in the SDL using OWASP DevSecOps Studio Maulden room |
| Time slot over-subscribed | Akamai WAF & Ruleset Pedley room | DevSecOps Maturity Model (DSOMM) Maulden room | Agile Practices for Security Teams Larch room |
| Time slot over-subscribed | Creating Appsec metrics and visualisation Maulden room | AWS Lambda Security Portland room |
| Time slot over-subscribed | From Threat Modeling to DevSecOps metrics Maulden room | Hands-on GDPR Patterns Portland room | Cell based Structures for Security Larch room |
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| | | SOC Monitoring Visualisation Maulden room |
| Securing the CI Pipeline Maulden room |
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| | Replacing Akamai with AWS Shield Table 5 |
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| SAMM DevSecOps Version 311 - OWASP SAMM villa |
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| | Using Threat Models for GDPR 317 - Photobox villa |
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