Leila Powell

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Leila Powell Daily Schedule

Subscribed to track Maps and Graphs which has 12 sessions
10:30 - 12:30
Using maps to define how to capture, detect and prevent 6 real-world security incidents
Larch room
Using JIRA-NeoVis to graph Threat Models
Wardley Mapping – a practical session on how to use value chain mapping
Larch room
Using JIRA-NeoVis to create graphical representations of JIRA data
Larch room
12:30 - 13:30
Creating ELK Dashboards
Table 1
Using Data Science for log analysis
Table 3
13:30 - 15:00
Using User Story Mapping for effective communication
Larch room
Cell based Structures for Security
Larch room
15:30 - 16:30
Create Wardley Maps for multiple security scenarios
Larch room
Using JIRA-NeoVis to graph GDPR Data Journeys
Larch room
SOC Value Chain using Wardley maps
Larch room

Participating sessions details

TitleDescriptiontypeWhenTimeActing as

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  • add your name to the organizers metadata field (in this case Leila Powell)

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