Yasmin Martin


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Participant's team(s):

    Yasmin Martin Daily Schedule

    Subscribed to track GDPR which has 14 sessions
    12:30 - 13:30
    Creating a standard for GDPR patterns
    Table 2
    DPO how to become one
    Table 2
    Meet the ICO
    13:30 - 15:00
    Time slot over-subscribed
    Ask me anything (AMA) on GDPR
    Creating Appsec metrics and visualisation
    Maulden room
    Hands-on GDPR Patterns
    Portland room
    Share your Threat Models diagrams and create a Book
    Kings room
    15:30 - 16:30
    Cyber Insurance
    Portland room
    SAMMv2 Measurement Model
    311 - OWASP SAMM villa
    Women in Cyber-security: improving the gender balance
    Montague room
    16:30 - 17:30
    GDPR Appropriate Security Controls
    Portland room
    Time slot over-subscribed
    Using graphs for GDPR mappings and visualisations
    18:00 - 19:00
    GDPR Compliance what does it mean?
    Table 1
    Time slot over-subscribed
    European GDPR variations
    Table 2
    Share your security polices and release them under Creative Commons
    Table 2
    Time slot over-subscribed
    DPO what to expect
    Table 1
    Gamification of GDPR compliance
    Table 2
    21:00 - 23:00
    Using Threat Models for GDPR
    317 - Photobox villa

    Participating sessions details

    TitleDescriptiontypeWhenTimeActing as
    Creating Appsec metrics and visualisationAppSec Metrics and Visualisationuser-sessionWedPM-1participant
    Using graphs for GDPR mappings and visualisationsHands on sessions of mapping GDPR data to graphsuser-sessionThuPM-3participant
    Ask me anything (AMA) on GDPRAsk all the burning questions you have on GDPRuser-sessionTuePM-1participant
    Cyber InsuranceSession on Cyber Insuranceworking-sessionTuePM-2participant
    SAMMv2 Measurement ModelDefine SAMMv2 measurement modelworking-sessionWedPM-2participant
    Share your Threat Models diagrams and create a Bookworking-sessionFriPM-1participant

    Register as organizer

    To register as an organizer of an session or track:

    • add your name to the organizers metadata field (in this case Yasmin Martin)

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