| Time slot over-subscribed | GS AppSec Daily Scrum (Mon) Table 1 | GS Risk Daily Scrum (Mon) Table 3 |
| Time slot over-subscribed | GS AppSec Daily Scrum (Tue) Table 1 | GS Risk Daily Scrum (Tue) Table 3 |
| Time slot over-subscribed | GS AppSec Daily Scrum (Wed) Table 1 | GS Risk Daily Scrum (Wed) Table 3 |
| Time slot over-subscribed | GS AppSec Daily Scrum (Thu) Table 1 | GS Risk Daily Scrum (Thu) Table 3 |
| Time slot over-subscribed | GS AppSec Daily Scrum (Fri) Table 1 | GS Risk Daily Scrum (Fri) Table 3 |
| | Time slot over-subscribed | Using maps to define how to capture, detect and prevent 6 real-world security incidents Larch room | Threat model cheat sheets Kings room | Creation of Security Buttons Pedley room |
| Using JIRA-NeoVis to graph Threat Models |
| Wardley Mapping – a practical session on how to use value chain mapping Larch room |
| Using Jira to handle Incident Response - simulations |
| | Time slot over-subscribed | Creating a standard for GDPR patterns Table 2 |
| Implementing the OWASP responsible disclosure Maturity Model Table 3 |
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| Time slot over-subscribed | Creating a Steady-State Hypothesis Pedley room | Hands-on JIRA Schema refactoring Larch room | SAMM Introduction Portland room |
| Time slot over-subscribed | Ask me anything (AMA) on GDPR | DevSecOps Maturity Model (DSOMM) Maulden room |
| Time slot over-subscribed | Using User Story Mapping for effective communication Larch room | Docker and Kubernetes Threat Modeling Cheat Sheet Kings room |
| Time slot over-subscribed | Writing security tests to confirm vulnerabilities and fixes Pedley room | Hands-on GDPR Patterns Portland room | Running CTF Games with OWASP Juice Shop 314 - Owasp Projects villa |
| Using AI and ML for incident response Larch room |
| Time slot over-subscribed | Create Wardley Maps for multiple security scenarios Larch room | Hands on Chaos Experiments Pedley room |
| | | Time slot over-subscribed | JIRA Risk Workflow Portland room | Squad Modelling and Cross Functional Teams Pedley room | Owasp Testing Guide v5 314 - Owasp Projects villa | How to scale Threat Modeling. Kings room |
| PBX-GS Offsite session 5 317 - Photobox villa |
| Time slot over-subscribed | PBX-GS Offsite session 1 314 - Owasp Projects villa | Real world Chaos Engineering Pedley room |
| Time slot over-subscribed | PBX-GS Offsite session 2 317 - Photobox villa |
| Time slot over-subscribed | Integrating Security into an Spotify Model (and using Squads for Security teams) Maulden room | GDPR Appropriate Security Controls Portland room |
| Time slot over-subscribed | PBX-GS Offsite session 4 317 - Photobox villa |
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| | Time slot over-subscribed | Share your playbooks and release them under Creative Commons Table 4 | Share your security polices and release them under Creative Commons Table 2 |
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| Create a Slack bot in Python 313 - DevSecCon villa |
| | | Integrate securityheaders.com in CI pipeline https://os-summit.slack.com/messages/CAUTMJVS5 |
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| | Time slot over-subscribed | Using Threat Models for GDPR 317 - Photobox villa |
| Time slot over-subscribed | Using Neo4J Enterprise | Writing Checkmarx SAST rules 313 - DevSecCon villa |
| Using Veracode SAST Engine |
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