Dinis Cruz

CISO, PhotoBox Group

Dinis Cruz is the CISO of the Photobox Group and is focused on creating an team and environment where security is an enabler and accelerator for the business, while securing and protecting the digital assets from existing threats.

Dinis is very active in open source communities like OWASP, where he was a board member. He is currently part of the leadership team behind the Open Security Summit 2019, which brings together the Security community in an open and collaborative environment to work on hard security challenges we face today.

For more details see blog

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Participant's team(s):

Dinis Cruz Daily Schedule

9:40 - 9:55
Thinking in Graphs
10:00 - 10:30
GS AppSec Daily Scrum (Mon)
    Table 1
    GS AppSec Daily Scrum (Tue)
      Table 1
      GS AppSec Daily Scrum (Wed)
        Table 1
        GS AppSec Daily Scrum (Thu)
          Table 1
          GS AppSec Daily Scrum (Fri)
            Table 1
            10:30 - 12:30
            Time slot over-subscribed
            Security Questions workshop
            Montague room
            Summit Onboarding
            Maulden room
            Time slot over-subscribed
            Using maps to define how to capture, detect and prevent 6 real-world security incidents
            Larch room
            Time slot over-subscribed
            Using JIRA-NeoVis to graph Threat Models
            Wardley Mapping – a practical session on how to use value chain mapping
            Larch room
            Time slot over-subscribed
            Using Jira to handle Incident Response - simulations
            Using JIRA-NeoVis to create graphical representations of JIRA data
            Larch room
            13:30 - 15:00
            Time slot over-subscribed
            Creating a Steady-State Hypothesis
            Pedley room
            Hands-on JIRA Schema refactoring
            Larch room
            Using User Story Mapping for effective communication
            Larch room
            Time slot over-subscribed
            Hands-on GDPR Patterns
            Portland room
            Writing security tests to confirm vulnerabilities and fixes
            Pedley room
            Using AI and ML for incident response
            Larch room
            15:30 - 16:30
            Time slot over-subscribed
            Create Wardley Maps for multiple security scenarios
            Larch room
            Using JIRA-NeoVis to graph GDPR Data Journeys
            Larch room
            secureCodeBox - How to improve your CI/CD pipeline with automated security tests
            Pedley room
            Time slot over-subscribed
            CISO Ask Me Anything (AMA)
            JIRA Risk Workflow
            Portland room
            Squad Modelling and Cross Functional Teams
            Pedley room
            SOC Value Chain using Wardley maps
            Larch room
            PBX-GS Offsite session 5
            317 - Photobox villa
            16:30 - 17:30
            PBX-GS Offsite session 1
            314 - Owasp Projects villa
            PBX-GS Offsite session 2
            317 - Photobox villa
            Time slot over-subscribed
            GDPR Appropriate Security Controls
            Portland room
            Integrating Security into an Spotify Model (and using Squads for Security teams)
            Maulden room
            Time slot over-subscribed
            PBX-GS Offsite session 4
            317 - Photobox villa
            Using graphs for GDPR mappings and visualisations
            Summit Wrap Up
              18:00 - 19:00
              19:30 - 21:00
              Create a Slack bot in Python
              313 - DevSecCon villa
              21:00 - 23:00
              Using Threat Models for GDPR
              317 - Photobox villa
              Time slot over-subscribed
              Using Neo4J Enterprise
              Writing Checkmarx SAST rules
              313 - DevSecCon villa
              Using Veracode SAST Engine

              Participating sessions details

              TitleDescriptiontypeWhenTimeActing as
              secureCodeBox - How to improve your CI/CD pipeline with automated security testsHands on session to introduce the new project secureCodeBox.io and how you could use it to improve your CI/CD pipeline with automated security tests easily.user-sessionWedPM-2participant

              Register as organizer

              To register as an organizer of an session or track:

              • add your name to the organizers metadata field (in this case Dinis Cruz)

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