Cybersecurity Team Leader, SureCloud

Chris Cooper is a security tester and consultant living in Horsham, UK. He works for SureCloud as the Security Team Leader and a Senior Consultant. He is a Tigerscheme Senior Security Tester (Web Apps) and a CHECK Team Leader.
Chris likes to talk about security and you’ll find some of his slides on Speaker Deck.
Chris Cooper Daily Schedule
| Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday |
| | Gamifying Security Dashboards main-stage |
| Thinking in Graphs main-stage |
| Crossing the river by feeling the stones main-stage |
| Adding Privacy by Design in Secure Application Development main-stage |
| | SAMMv2 working session - Governance 311 - OWASP SAMM villa |
| SAMMv2 working session - Operations 311 - OWASP SAMM villa |
| SAMM Project Meeting 311 - OWASP SAMM villa |
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| SAMM Introduction Portland room |
| SAMMv2 working session - Design 311 - OWASP SAMM villa |
| SAMMv2 working session - Verification 311 - OWASP SAMM villa |
| Running CTF Games with OWASP Juice Shop 314 - Owasp Projects villa |
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| SAMM - Best Practices Portland room |
| SAMMv2 working session - Implementation 311 - OWASP SAMM villa |
| SAMMv2 Measurement Model 311 - OWASP SAMM villa |
| Owasp Testing Guide v5 314 - Owasp Projects villa |
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| | | SAMMv2 Establish the Document Model 311 - OWASP SAMM villa |
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| SAMM DevSecOps Version 311 - OWASP SAMM villa |
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Participating sessions details
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- add your name to the
metadata field (in this case Chris Cooper