Creating diagrams with DOT language

Track:Threat Model


One of the steps in threat modeling is diagramming your system in order to be able to communicate about it. Diagramming tools so far have been unable to store diagrams in a way that we can later make it easy for tools to read and change them. We want to show one possible way of solving this problem.


  • Show a PoC of a diagramming tool using DOT langaue to save th diagram in a JSON format
  • Discuss the possibilty of using this JSON format to also describe the rest of the threat model
  • Come up with a unified way of storing threat models


  • Consensus wether this might is feasible.
  • Start of a project to enable everyone to contribute to this tool

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  1. the sessions metadata field from your participant's page (find your participant page and look for the edit link).
  2. or the participants metadata field from this git session page

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