Docker and Kubernetes Threat Modeling Cheat Sheet

Track:Threat Model
When:Wed PM-1
OrganizersSteven Wierckx Steven Wierckx
ParticipantsAdam Shostack Adam Shostack , Orid Ahmed Orid Ahmed , Alina Radu Alina Radu , Aurelijus Stanislovaitis Aurelijus Stanislovaitis , David Cervigni David Cervigni , Fraser Scott Fraser Scott , Frederic Tollens Frederic Tollens , Imran Mohammed A Imran Mohammed A , Luis Saiz Luis Saiz , Ruben Tronçon Ruben Tronçon , Sara Davis Sara Davis
Remote ParticipantsAbdullah Garcia Abdullah Garcia , Joset Zamora Joset Zamora , Madhu Akula Madhu Akula


We all love Cheat Sheets. They are great to use when you need it but they are also great to learn because they force us to summarize the most important points.


  • What are the main Threats against Docker and/or Kubernetes?
  • Can we find common Threats that apply to Docker and/or Kubernetes?
  • Are there generic Threats we could check for applicability?
  • Could we organize the Threats in Risk Patterns for Docker and/or Kubernetes?
  • Can they be summarized on a Cheat Sheet form?


A Cheat Sheet covering most common threats against Docker and Kubernetes.

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  2. or the participants metadata field from this git session page

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